Sep 18, 2011

Hey I'm back doing some blogging. Well saw you today at a bubble tea shop today. At first I didn't know that that bubble tea shop was your parents one till Vivian told me. Was shock to hear it. Was not expecting to see you at your parent bubble tea shop. But still... I saw you. I order honeypeach ice-blend today from your parent bubble tea shop and went to stand somewhere far so you won't saw me. Was glad that I get to see you today. Everytime when I saw you, I will feel so super happy. I'm not sure why but yea it just made me feel so happy. (: hope I'll get to see ya tomorrow and hope I'll get to see ya next time at your parent bubble tea shop. (:
Well... Didn't know that I am going to do another posting on this blog. Well I saw you walking with your friends on last Friday which was 16 of September. Well to be the truth I... I always was trying to see you where ever I am close to you. I even saw you twice on last Thursday 15 of September. I want to buy you something big and lovely for your birthday present but I don't know what to get for you. It doesn't matter how much it will be but at least you will like it I am very happy. Your birthday is 3 more months away, it's still long but time passes very fast. So I just wish I know what things to get for you. If I and you are together, I will cry for you if you left me or anything happened to you. I am prepare to give up my life if you are in trouble. Well I also dunno what got into me for saying all this things and I also dunno what I am saying. Ok that's all for now. Will write again soon if I feel like writing what I want to say to you.