May 24, 2011

This is the second time I'm posting on this blog and I just wanna say it just feels great writing how I feel rather then keeping it inside my heart the whole time which makes me feel so miserable. It just make me miss you very much when I didn't get to see you in school. I suddenly have a thinking of what to buy for your birthday gift although your birthday is still quite far away in the November. I have always wonder why you didn't reply my messages when I send you. I kept wondering whether is it you lazy reply me, too busy doing something that you can't reply it or you just don't wanna see it and it went straight to the delete box. Although I don't mind or don't care whether you will reply it or not. Although now theres only 1 person who knows that I like you, I still think its better I don't wanna let anyone knows cause I prefer it be my only secret no ones will knows. Day and night, I just couldn't keep stop thinking of you and when everytime I heard your name or something that is different spelling but when you hear it, it sounds like your name, I would just stone there for about like 5 seconds or more thinking about you. Although I always joke around with my friends telling 1 of my best friend the you are his type one, LOL... I just wouldn't admit that I like you. The person who know that I like you ask me this yesterday, why I don't want to tell you I like you? and she also told me this just tell you that I like you. Well theres somethings better to be untold then to be told. I'll just never know what will happened next when I'll falls in love. Well its late now so guess that I will stop blogging for now and go to sleep. Bye.